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GEP-2649: Inherited Policy Attachment

  • Issue: #2649
  • Status: Experimental

(See status definitions.)


Describe and specify a design pattern for a class of metaresource that can affect specific settings across a multiple target objects.

This is a design for a pattern, not an API field or new object.


This GEP is in the process of being updated. Please see the discussion at and expect further changes. Some options under discussion there may make the distinction between Direct and Inherited Policies moot, which would require a rework.


  • Specify what common properties all Inherited Policies MUST have
  • Recommend design patterns for areas that cannot be mandated but that could cause problems for API designers.


  • Fully specify the entire design space for Inherited Policy Attachment

Inherited Policy Attachment requirements in brief

The following parts of GEP-713 also apply here. Inherited Policy Attachments:

  • MUST be their own CRDs (e.g. TimeoutPolicy, RetryPolicy etc),
  • MUST include both spec and status stanzas
  • MUST have the status stanza include a conditions section using the standard upstream Condition type
  • MUST use the targetRef struct to specify their target resource.
  • MUST follow the naming requirements (MUST be named to clearly indicate that the kind is a Policy, and SHOULD use the Policy suffix at the end of the Kind and policies at the end of the Resource names).

Additionally, Inherited Policy Attachment:

  • MAY specify a defaults stanza, an overrides stanza, or both. If it does not, it MUST specify if its fields are defaults or overrides in each field's godoc.

Inherited Policy Attachment

Because a Inherited Policy is a metaresource, it targets some other resource and augments its behavior.

But why have this distinct from other types of metaresource? Because Inherited Policy resources are designed to have a way for settings to flow down a hierarchy.

Any object that affects settings outside of the object that it attaches to is an Inherited Policy.

Note that the same object may be have some properties of both an Inherited Policy and a Direct Policy if it can attach to multiple points of a hierarchy, such as if the same Policy can be attached to a Gateway (where it affects all Routes attached to that Gateway) or to a Route (where it affects only that Route).

If a Policy can be used as an Inherited Policy, it MUST be treated as an Inherited Policy, regardless of whether a specific instance of the Policy is only affecting a single object.

This is because all of the rules about inheritance apply to the object, regardless of where it is attached in the hierarchy.

Regardless of exactly how they are designed, settings in an Inherited Policy generally fall into two categories, Defaults and Overrides.

Defaults set the default value for something, and can be overridden by the “lower” objects (like a connection timeout default policy on a Gateway being overridable inside a HTTPRoute), and Overrides cannot be overridden by “lower” objects (like setting a maximum client timeout to some non-infinite value at the Gateway level to stop HTTPRoute owners from leaking connections over time).

Note that while both types of setting are valid, both also come with difficulties in communicating the currently active setting to the owners of the modified objects. These are discussed in more detail below.

Inherited Policy design guidelines

Here are some guidelines for when to consider using a Inherited Policy object:

  • The settings or configuration are bound to one containing object, but affect other objects attached to that one (for example, affecting HTTPRoutes attached to a single Gateway, or all HTTPRoutes in a GatewayClass).
  • The settings need to able to be defaulted, but can be overridden on a per-object basis.
  • The settings must be enforced by one persona, and not modifiable or removable by a lesser-privileged persona. (For example, The owner of a GatewayClass may want to restrict something about all Gateways in a GatewayClass, regardless of who owns the Gateway, or a Gateway owner may want to enforce some setting across all attached HTTPRoutes).
  • In terms of status, a good accounting for how to record that the Policy is attached is easy, but recording what resources the Policy is being applied to is not, and needs to be carefully designed to avoid fanout apiserver load.

When multiple Inherited Policies are used, they can interact in various ways, which are governed by the following rules, which will be expanded on later in this document.

  • If a Policy does not affect an object's fields directly, then the resultant Policy MUST be the set of all distinct fields inside the relevant Policy objects, as set out by the rules below.
  • For Policies that affect an object's existing fields, multiple instances of the same Policy Kind affecting an object's fields MUST be evaluated as though only a single Policy "wins" the right to affect each field. This operation is performed on a per-distinct-field basis.
  • Settings in overrides stanzas MUST win over the same setting in a defaults stanza.
  • overrides settings operate in a "less specific beats more specific" fashion - Policies attached higher up the hierarchy beat the same type of Policy attached further down the hierarchy.
  • defaults settings operate in a "more specific beats less specific" fashion - Policies attached lower down the hierarchy beat the same type of Policy attached further up the hierarchy.
  • For defaults, the most specific value is the one inside the object that the Policy applies to; that is, if a Policy specifies a default, and an object specifies a value, the object's value wins.
  • When Policies interact with fields in other objects (for example, if they set a default or override for a field in a HTTPRoute), they MUST do so in a "replace value" fashion.
    • For fields where the value is a scalar, (like a string or a number) MUST have their value replaced by the value in the Policy if it wins. Notably, this means that a default will only ever replace an empty or unset value in an object. Note also that, as in Go, the empty string value is only a string of length 0, generally represented as "".
    • For fields where the value is an object, the Policy should include the fields in the object in its definition, so that the replacement can be performed on each field inside the object as a simple field rather than the object as a whole.
    • For fields where the final value is non-scalar, but is not an object with fields of its own, the value MUST be entirely replaced, not merged. This means that lists of strings or lists of ints specified in a Policy overwrite the empty list (in the case of a default) or any specified list (in the case of an override). The same applies to map[string]string fields. An example here would be a field that stores a map of annotations - specifying a Policy that overrides annotations will mean that a final object specifying those annotations will have its value entirely replaced by an override setting.
  • In the case that two Policies of the same type specify different fields, then all of the specified fields MUST take effect on the affected object, using the precedence rules given above.

Examples to further illustrate these rules are given below.

Attaching Policy to GatewayClass

GatewayClass may be the trickiest resource to attach policy to. Policy attachment relies on the policy being defined within the same scope as the target. This ensures that only users with write access to a policy resource in a given scope will be able to modify policy at that level. Since GatewayClass is a cluster scoped resource, this means that any policy attached to it must also be cluster scoped.

GatewayClass parameters provide an alternative to policy attachment that may be easier for some implementations to support. These parameters can similarly be used to set defaults and requirements for an entire GatewayClass.

Merging into existing spec fields

It's possible (even likely) that configuration in a Policy may need to be merged into an existing object's fields somehow, particularly for Inherited policies.

When merging into an existing fields inside an object, Policy objects should merge values at a scalar level, not at a struct or object level.

For example, in the CDNCachingPolicy example below, the cdn struct contains a cachePolicy struct that contains fields. If an implementation was merging this configuration into an existing object that contained the same fields, it should merge the fields at a scalar level, with the includeHost, includeProtocol, and includeQueryString values being defaulted if they were not specified in the object being controlled. Similarly, for overrides, the values of the innermost scalar fields should overwrite the scalar fields in the affected object.

Implementations should not copy any structs from the Policy object directly into the affected object, any fields that are overridden should be overridden on a per-field basis.

In the case that the field in the Policy affects a struct that is a member of a list, each existing item in the list in the affected object should have each of its fields compared to the corresponding fields in the Policy.

For non-scalar field values, like a list of strings, or a map[string]string value, the entire value must be overwritten by the value from the Policy. No merging should take place. This mainly applies to overrides, since for defaults, there should be no value present in a field on the final object.

There is one exception here: the listMapType list. These are lists of structs that, in their API definitions, define one string in the struct as a key, and are defined to be treated the same as a map (only one entry for each value in the key can be present, and patches that duplicate the key overwrite the rest of the struct).

For these values, and these values only, implementations SHOULD treat the list like a map and merge values into the corresponding entry, by the key field.

This table shows how this works for various types:

Type Object config Override Policy config Result
string key: "foo" key: "bar" key: "bar"
list key: ["a","b"] key: ["c","d"] key: ["c","d"]
map[string]string key: {"foo": "a", "bar": "b"} key: {"foo": "c", "bar": "d"} key: {"foo": "c", "bar": "d"}
listMapType listMaps: [{"name": "o1", "foo": "a", "bar": "b"},{"name": "o2", "foo": "c", "bar": "d"}] listMaps: [{"name": "o1", "foo": "e", "bar": "f", "baz": "g"}] listMaps: [{"name": "o1", "foo": "e", "bar": "f", "baz": "g"},{"name": "o2", "foo": "c", "bar": "d"}]

Conflict Resolution

Other conflict resolution between Policy objects must also follow the rules outlined in GEP-713, in its Conflict Resolution section.

Policy Attachment examples and behavior

This approach is building on concepts from all of the alternatives discussed below. This is very similar to the (now removed) BackendPolicy resource in the API, but also borrows some concepts from the ServicePolicy proposal.

Policy Attachment for Ingress

When talking about Direct Attached Policy attaching to Gateway resources for ingress use cases (as discussed in GEP-2648), the flow is relatively straightforward. A policy can reference the resource it wants to apply to, and only affects that resource.

Simple Ingress Example

However, an Inherited Policy can attach to a parent resource, and then each policy applies to the referenced resource and everything below it in terms of hierarchy.

In the simple example above, the TimeoutPolicy attaches to the Gateway but affects the HTTPRoute. That's the very thing that makes this an Inherited Policy.

Although the next example is likely more complex than many real world use cases, it helps demonstrate how policy attachment can work across namespaces.

Complex Ingress Example

In this example, the Gateway has a TimeoutPolicy attached, which affects the HTTPRoute in the App namespace. That HTTPRoute also has the Direct Attached RetryPolicy attached, which affects the HTTPRoute itself, and one of the backends has a HealthCheckPolicy attached to the Service, which is also a Direct Attached Policy.

This shows how Direct and Inherited Policies can be attached to varied objects and still apply the relevant configuration.

As a preview of a later section though, ask yourself: If I was the owner of the HTTPRoute, how would I know what Policy was affecting it at any point in time?

Policy Attachment for Mesh

Although there is a great deal of overlap between ingress and mesh use cases, mesh enables more complex policy attachment scenarios. For example, you may want to apply policy to requests from a specific namespace to a backend in another namespace.

Simple Mesh Example

Policy attachment can be quite simple with mesh. Policy can be applied to any resource in any namespace but it can only apply to requests from the same namespace if the target is in a different namespace.

At the other extreme, policy can be used to apply to requests from a specific workload to a backend in another namespace. A route can be used to intercept these requests and split them between different backends (foo-a and foo-b in this case).

Complex Mesh Example

Policy TargetRef API

Each Policy resource MUST include a single targetRef field. It must not target more than one resource at a time, but it can be used to target larger resources such as Gateways or Namespaces that may apply to multiple child resources.

As with most APIs, there are countless ways we could choose to expand this in the future. This includes supporting multiple targetRefs and/or label selectors. Although this would enable compelling functionality, it would increase the complexity of an already complex API and potentially result in more conflicts between policies. Although we may choose to expand the targeting capabilities in the future, at this point it is strongly preferred to start with a simpler pattern that still leaves room for future expansion.

The targetRef field MUST have the following structure:

// PolicyTargetReference identifies an API object to apply policy to.
type PolicyTargetReference struct {
    // Group is the group of the target resource.
    // +kubebuilder:validation:MinLength=1
    // +kubebuilder:validation:MaxLength=253
    Group string `json:"group"`

    // Kind is kind of the target resource.
    // +kubebuilder:validation:MinLength=1
    // +kubebuilder:validation:MaxLength=253
    Kind string `json:"kind"`

    // Name is the name of the target resource.
    // +kubebuilder:validation:MinLength=1
    // +kubebuilder:validation:MaxLength=253
    Name string `json:"name"`

    // Namespace is the namespace of the referent. When unspecified, the local
    // namespace is inferred. Even when policy targets a resource in a different
    // namespace, it may only apply to traffic originating from the same
    // namespace as the policy.
    // +kubebuilder:validation:MinLength=1
    // +kubebuilder:validation:MaxLength=253
    // +optional
    Namespace string `json:"namespace,omitempty"`

Sample Policy API

The following structure can be used as a starting point for any Policy resource using this API pattern. Note that the PolicyTargetReference struct defined above will be distributed as part of the Gateway API.

// ACMEServicePolicy provides a way to apply Service policy configuration with
// the ACME implementation of the Gateway API.
type ACMEServicePolicy struct {
    metav1.TypeMeta   `json:",inline"`
    metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`

    // Spec defines the desired state of ACMEServicePolicy.
    Spec ACMEServicePolicySpec `json:"spec"`

    // Status defines the current state of ACMEServicePolicy.
    Status ACMEServicePolicyStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`

// ACMEServicePolicySpec defines the desired state of ACMEServicePolicy.
type ACMEServicePolicySpec struct {
    // TargetRef identifies an API object to apply policy to.
    TargetRef gatewayv1a2.PolicyTargetReference `json:"targetRef"`

    // Override defines policy configuration that should override policy
    // configuration attached below the targeted resource in the hierarchy.
    // +optional
    Override *ACMEPolicyConfig `json:"override,omitempty"`

    // Default defines default policy configuration for the targeted resource.
    // +optional
    Default *ACMEPolicyConfig `json:"default,omitempty"`

// ACMEPolicyConfig contains ACME policy configuration.
type ACMEPolicyConfig struct {
    // Add configurable policy here

// ACMEServicePolicyStatus defines the observed state of ACMEServicePolicy.
type ACMEServicePolicyStatus struct {
    // Conditions describe the current conditions of the ACMEServicePolicy.
    // +optional
    // +listType=map
    // +listMapKey=type
    // +kubebuilder:validation:MaxItems=8
    Conditions []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty"`


Each policy MAY include default or override values. Default values are given precedence from the bottom up, while override values are top down. That means that a default attached to a Backend will have the highest precedence among default values while an override value attached to a GatewayClass will have the highest precedence overall.

Ingress and Sidecar Hierarchy

To illustrate this, consider 3 resources with the following hierarchy: A > B > C. When attaching the concept of defaults and overrides to that, the hierarchy would be expanded to this:

A override > B override > C override > C default > B default > A default.

Note that the hierarchy is reversed for defaults. The rationale here is that overrides usually need to be enforced top down while defaults should apply to the lowest resource first. For example, if an admin needs to attach required policy, they can attach it as an override to a Gateway. That would have precedence over Routes and Services below it. On the other hand, an app owner may want to set a default timeout for their Service. That would have precedence over defaults attached at higher levels such as Route or Gateway.

If using defaults and overrides, each policy resource MUST include 2 structs within the spec. One with override values and the other with default values.

In the following example, the policy attached to the Gateway requires cdn to be enabled and provides some default configuration for that. The policy attached to the Route changes the value for one of those fields (includeQueryString).

kind: CDNCachingPolicy # Example of implementation specific policy name
      enabled: true
        includeHost: true
        includeProtocol: true
        includeQueryString: true
    kind: Gateway
    name: example
kind: CDNCachingPolicy
        includeQueryString: false
    kind: HTTPRoute
    name: example

In this final example, we can see how the override attached to the Gateway has precedence over the default drainTimeout value attached to the Route. At the same time, we can see that the default connectionTimeout attached to the Route has precedence over the default attached to the Gateway.

Also note how the different resources interact - fields that are not common across objects may both end up affecting the final object.

Inherited Policy Example

Supported Resources

It is important to note that not every implementation will be able to support policy attachment to each resource described in the hierarchy above. When that is the case, implementations MUST clearly document which resources a policy may be attached to.


This section provides some examples of various types of Policy objects, and how merging, defaults, overrides, and other interactions work.

Inherited Policy Attachment

It also could be useful to be able to default the minimumTLSVersion setting across multiple Gateways.

This version of the above Policy allows this:

kind: TLSMinimumVersionPolicy
  name: minimum12
  namespace: appns
    minimumTLSVersion: 1.2
    name: appns
    group: ""
    kind: namespace

This Inherited Policy is using the implicit hierarchy that all resources belong to a namespace, so attaching a Policy to a namespace means affecting all possible resources in a namespace. Multiple hierarchies are possible, even within Gateway API, for example Gateway -> Route, Gateway -> Route -> Backend, Gateway -> Route -> Service. GAMMA Policies could conceivably use a hierarchy of Service -> Route as well.

Note that this will not be very discoverable for Gateway owners in the absence of a solution to the Policy status problem. This is being worked on and this GEP will be updated once we have a design.

Conceivably, a security or admin team may want to force Gateways to have at least a minimum TLS version of 1.2 - that would be a job for overrides, like so:

kind: TLSMinimumVersionPolicy
  name: minimum12
  namespace: appns
    minimumTLSVersion: 1.2
    name: appns
    group: ""
    kind: namespace

This will make it so that all Gateways in the default namespace must use a minimum TLS version of 1.2, and this cannot be changed by Gateway owners. Only the Policy owner can change this Policy.

Handling non-scalar values

In this example, we will assume that at some future point, HTTPRoute has grown fields to configure retries, including a field called retryOn that reflects the HTTP status codes that should be retried. The value of this field is a list of strings, being the HTTP codes that must be retried. The retryOn field has no defaults in the field definitions (which is probably a bad design, but we need to show this interaction somehow!)

We also assume that a Inherited RetryOnPolicy exists that allows both defaulting and overriding of the retryOn field.

A full RetryOnPolicy to default the field to the codes 501, 502, and 503 would look like this:

kind: RetryOnPolicy
  name: retryon5xx
  namespace: appns
      - "501"
      - "502"
      - "503"
    kind: Gateway
    name: we-love-retries

This means that, for HTTPRoutes that do NOT explicitly set this field to something else, (in other words, they contain an empty list), then the field will be set to a list containing 501, 502, and 503. (Notably, because of Go zero values, this would also occur if the user explicitly set the value to the empty list.)

However, if a HTTPRoute owner sets any value other than the empty list, then that value will remain, and the Policy will have no effect. These values are not merged.

If the Policy used overrides instead:

kind: RetryOnPolicy
  name: retryon5xx
  namespace: appns
      - "501"
      - "502"
      - "503"
    kind: Gateway
    name: you-must-retry

Then no matter what the value is in the HTTPRoute, it will be set to 501, 502, 503 by the Policy override.

Interactions between defaults, overrides, and field values

All HTTPRoutes that attach to the YouMustRetry Gateway will have any value overwritten by this policy. The empty list, or any number of values, will all be replaced with 501, 502, and 503.

Now, let's also assume that we use the Namespace -> Gateway hierarchy on top of the Gateway -> HTTPRoute hierarchy, and allow attaching a RetryOnPolicy to a namespace. The expectation here is that this will affect all Gateways in a namespace and all HTTPRoutes that attach to those Gateways. (Note that the HTTPRoutes themselves may not necessarily be in the same namespace though.)

If we apply the default policy from earlier to the namespace:

kind: RetryOnPolicy
  name: retryon5xx
  namespace: appns
      - "501"
      - "502"
      - "503"
    kind: Namespace
    group: ""
    name: appns

Then this will have the same effect as applying that Policy to every Gateway in the default namespace - namely that every HTTPRoute that attaches to every Gateway will have its retryOn field set to 501, 502, 503, if there is no other setting in the HTTPRoute itself.

With two layers in the hierarchy, we have a more complicated set of interactions possible.

Let's look at some tables for a particular HTTPRoute, assuming that it does not configure the retryOn field, for various types of Policy at different levels.

Overrides interacting with defaults for RetryOnPolicy, empty list in HTTPRoute

None Namespace override Gateway override HTTPRoute override
No default Empty list Namespace override Gateway override Policy HTTPRoute override
Namespace default Namespace default Namespace override Gateway override HTTPRoute override
Gateway default Gateway default Namespace override Gateway override HTTPRoute override
HTTPRoute default HTTPRoute default Namespace override Gateway override HTTPRoute override

Overrides interacting with other overrides for RetryOnPolicy, empty list in HTTPRoute

No override Namespace override A Gateway override A HTTPRoute override A
No override Empty list Namespace override Gateway override HTTPRoute override
Namespace override B Namespace override B Namespace override
first created wins
otherwise first alphabetically
Namespace override B Namespace override B
Gateway override B Gateway override B Namespace override A Gateway override
first created wins
otherwise first alphabetically
Gateway override B
HTTPRoute override B HTTPRoute override B Namespace override A Gateway override A HTTPRoute override
first created wins
otherwise first alphabetically

Defaults interacting with other defaults for RetryOnPolicy, empty list in HTTPRoute

No default Namespace default A Gateway default A HTTPRoute default A
No default Empty list Namespace default Gateway default HTTPRoute default A
Namespace default B Namespace default B Namespace default
first created wins
otherwise first alphabetically
Gateway default A HTTPRoute default A
Gateway default B Gateway default B Gateway default B Gateway default
first created wins
otherwise first alphabetically
HTTPRoute default A
HTTPRoute default B HTTPRoute default B HTTPRoute default B HTTPRoute default B HTTPRoute default
first created wins
otherwise first alphabetically

Now, if the HTTPRoute does specify a RetryPolicy, it's a bit easier, because we can basically disregard all defaults:

Overrides interacting with defaults for RetryOnPolicy, value in HTTPRoute

None Namespace override Gateway override HTTPRoute override
No default Value in HTTPRoute Namespace override Gateway override HTTPRoute override
Namespace default Value in HTTPRoute Namespace override Gateway override HTTPRoute override
Gateway default Value in HTTPRoute Namespace override Gateway override HTTPRoute override
HTTPRoute default Value in HTTPRoute Namespace override Gateway override HTTPRoute override

Overrides interacting with other overrides for RetryOnPolicy, value in HTTPRoute

No override Namespace override A Gateway override A HTTPRoute override A
No override Value in HTTPRoute Namespace override A Gateway override A HTTPRoute override A
Namespace override B Namespace override B Namespace override
first created wins
otherwise first alphabetically
Namespace override B Namespace override B
Gateway override B Gateway override B Namespace override A Gateway override
first created wins
otherwise first alphabetically
Gateway override B
HTTPRoute override B HTTPRoute override B Namespace override A Gateway override A HTTPRoute override
first created wins
otherwise first alphabetically

Defaults interacting with other defaults for RetryOnPolicy, value in HTTPRoute

No default Namespace default A Gateway default A HTTPRoute default A
No default Value in HTTPRoute Value in HTTPRoute Value in HTTPRoute Value in HTTPRoute
Namespace default B Value in HTTPRoute Value in HTTPRoute Value in HTTPRoute Value in HTTPRoute
Gateway default B Value in HTTPRoute Value in HTTPRoute Value in HTTPRoute Value in HTTPRoute
HTTPRoute default B Value in HTTPRoute Value in HTTPRoute Value in HTTPRoute Value in HTTPRoute

User discoverability and status

Standard label on CRD objects

Each CRD that defines an Inherited Policy object MUST include a label that specifies that it is a Policy object, and that label MUST specify that the object is an inherited one.

The label is inherited.

This solution is intended to allow both users and tooling to identify which CRDs in the cluster should be treated as Policy objects, and so is intended to help with discoverability generally. It will also be used by the forthcoming kubectl plugin.


Implementations using Policy objects MUST include a spec and status stanza, and the status stanza MUST contain a conditions stanza, using the standard Condition format.

Policy authors should consider namespacing the conditions stanza with a controllerName, as in Route status, if more than one implementation will be reconciling the Policy type.

On Policy objects

Each Inherited Policy MUST populate the Accepted condition and reasons as defined in the Go spec, a snapshot of which is included below. The canonical representation is in the actual Go files. (At the time of writing, this is in apis/v1alpha2/policy_types.go)

This allows the responsible controller to indicate that the Policy has been accepted for processing.

// PolicyConditionType is a type of condition for a policy.
type PolicyConditionType string

// PolicyConditionReason is a reason for a policy condition.
type PolicyConditionReason string

const (
  // PolicyConditionAccepted indicates whether the policy has been accepted or rejected
  // by a targeted resource, and why.
  // Possible reasons for this condition to be True are:
  // * "Accepted"
  // Possible reasons for this condition to be False are:
  // * "Conflicted"
  // * "Invalid"
  // * "TargetNotFound"
  PolicyConditionAccepted PolicyConditionType = "Accepted"

  // PolicyReasonAccepted is used with the "Accepted" condition when the policy has been
  // accepted by the targeted resource.
  PolicyReasonAccepted PolicyConditionReason = "Accepted"

  // PolicyReasonConflicted is used with the "Accepted" condition when the policy has not
  // been accepted by a targeted resource because there is another policy that targets the same
  // resource and a merge is not possible.
  PolicyReasonConflicted PolicyConditionReason = "Conflicted"

  // PolicyReasonInvalid is used with the "Accepted" condition when the policy is syntactically
  // or semantically invalid.
  PolicyReasonInvalid PolicyConditionReason = "Invalid"

  // PolicyReasonTargetNotFound is used with the "Accepted" condition when the policy is attached to
  // an invalid target resource
  PolicyReasonTargetNotFound PolicyConditionReason = "TargetNotFound"

On targeted resources

Implementations that use Inherited Policy objects SHOULD put a Condition into status.Conditions of any objects affected by a Inherited Policy, if that field is present.

If they do, that Condition MUST have a type ending in PolicyAffected (like, and have the optional observedGeneration field kept up to date when the spec of the Policy-attached object changes.

Implementations SHOULD use their own unique domain prefix for this Condition type - it is recommended that implementations use the same domain as in the controllerName field on GatewayClass (or some other implementation-unique domain for implementations that do not use GatewayClass).

For objects that do not have a status.Conditions field available (Secret is a good example), that object SHOULD instead have a label of true (or with an implementation-specific domain prefix) added instead.

Because these Conditions or labels are namespaced per-implementation, implementations SHOULD:

  • Add the Condition or label if an object is policy affected when it is not already present
  • Remove the Condition or label when the last policy object stops referencing the targeted object.

The intent here is to give some feedback that the object is affected by a Policy, even if the details are difficult to communicate.

Further status design

Further status design for Inherited Policy is required, but needs to solve the complexity and fanout problems listed above. Further design is therefore currently up for discussion.

Community members are encouraged to submit updates to this GEP with further patterns.